Weekly intimations and worship information for Duddingston Parish Church.
Sunday 13th October 2024
Service at 10:30am
A Warm Welcome to all visitors
who are Worshipping with us today.
“What must I do to receive eternal life?”
Hymns: 489, 632, 137, Hallelujah! 132
- This Church has been nine hundred years
a place where Christians say their prayers,
receive the Lord and sing a loud “Hosanna”;
declare their love, have marriage blest
baptise their bairns, lay friends to rest,
and always singing joyful Hallelujah.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah! - Eleven-twenty-four the year
when Dodin’s name first did appear;
he built a small kirk overlooking water.
And from that time the people came
to praise the Lord, his deeds proclaim,
and bless their dearest friends, their sons & daughters.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah! - The monks came here from Kelso land
and lived their holy lives as planned
in a tranquil place beneath this ancient hillside.
They must have felt as we all feel
the closeness of our Lord is real
on Easter morn to greet him at the lochside.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah! - We love our folk both young and old;
their talents something to behold,
enriching lives and living out the gospel.
As faithful stewards of God’s grace
we serve the people in this place,
remembering what Christ told his apostles.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Music: L. Cohen, Lyrics: C. Jones, August 2024
After the Benediction:
Amen, Amen, Alleluia, Amen
Readings: Mark 10:35-45 (NT page 61)
Music for Reflection: “Sonata in A” by Mozart played by Aileen Lonie.
After our service Teas and Coffees will be served in the Millar Hall. Everyone is welcome.
The offering is being uplifted at the plates at the door thank you.
Dates for your diary
Operation Christmas Child
2024 Shoebox Appeal
Again this year we aim to provide Christmas presents for many children who otherwise would receive nothing on Christmas Day. The collection times for us to receive the boxes are as follows: –
Sunday 3rd Nov: Garden Room after church service
Collection Week: Mon 4th – Fri 8th Nov Church Hall 7 – 8pm
Sunday 10th Nov: Millar or Church Hall 10 – 10.30am( last day)
Sunday 17th Nov: Service of Dedication at Duddingston Kirk as the boxes begin their journey.
The Swells
Saturday 2nd November 2024 at 7.30pm
Duddingston Kirk Hall
Tickets £12 from Eventbrite or from Helen after the Service
An evening of cabaret with songs both happy and poignant such as those performed by Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and Burt Bacharach.
Accompanied by two fine musicians, Jeremy Thorp on keyboards, and Nick Gent on guitar with special guests that evening. You are welcome to “bring your own bottle”.
Proceeds to Dr Neil’s Garden.
To watch the A2Z film of the History of Duddingston Kirk , celebrating 900 years please follow this link.
https://bit.ly/900a2z or use the QR code.
The Garden room has closed for the Winter and reopens in the Spring. Thank you to Carol and all the volunteers for their hard work over the Summer.
And a special thank you to all our visitors.
Duddingston Matters
The monthly magazine has been emailed to those on our distribution list. If you have not received your copy this month or would like to receive it by email please drop me an email at the Office.
Lucy: office@duddingstonkirk.org.uk
As part of our work to save paper and to extend the flow of information the Kirk News will be available every week at https://duddingstonkirk.org.uk/kirk-news/
Amos Cards : Have you noticed the stands in the Garden Room and Kirk?
Amos is a Christian Charity whose aim is to spread God’s love through the distribution of unique cards. These cards, produced by volunteers, bring comfort and help people to share their own and God’s love. They are free so please take some for yourself, family and to pass on to friends!
A full Selection of cards can be viewed and ordered online.
View online at : amoschristiantrust.org Thank you
BIBLE READING NOTES are available from Duty Elders at the Kirk Door. These notes are prepared by the Minister for the Congregation.
Bible reading notes are also available on the website: here.
Stillness Services are held in the Kirk every Wednesday from 10 am to 10:30 am.
The service includes music, a reading and prayer and offers time to sit in peaceful silence.
There is also an opportunity for individual prayer at the close of the service.
Following the service all are welcome to stay for tea/coffee in the Garden Room
MAGAZINE If you would like to receive Kirk Matters or Bible Reading Notes electronically then please email Lucy in the Office. office@duddingstonkirk.org.uk
ONLINE SERVICES Both The Sunday and the Wednesday Stillness services are available to view on the church website homepage or here
Our thanks to all those who have made this happen and in the leading of our worship.
Situated in the Manse Basement the office is open on Thursday and Friday 9am to 1pm
The Library is available to browse during these hours.
Minister: Rev Dr Jim Jack
Session Clerk: Janette Wilson
website: https://duddingstonkirk.org.uk/
email: office@duddingstonkirk.org.uk
Telephone: 0131 661 4240