Letter from the Manse

July / August 2024

Dear Friends,

Dr Jack
Dr Jim Jack is the Minister at Duddingston Kirk

It feels like such a long time since I finished my placement with you on the 7th of April and things have moved so quickly with finishing my degree and organising my second placement.

Whilst at Duddingston I learned so much about ministry; how a church operates and how much support and love a congregation can give you. Everyone thinks of the Sunday worship as the only thing a minister does. Jim has shown me the many sides of Parish ministry that they don’t tell you about such as waiting for the drains to be cleared and organising toilet rolls.

Well, apart from these obviously vital roles, and the Sunday worship that I took part in I have learned so much from you, the members of Duddingston Kirk. You have shown me what a worship community should be like. The way you look out for each other, support each other and the local community.

This is something that I can see is so important to you and is something to be proud of. From an outsider’s perspective coming into an existing community, it could have felt like I was the outsider for six months. However, you accepted me as a type of assistant minister, and you took me in as one of your own. You have helped me start to see the style of ministry I want to have. This also couldn’t have been done without the fantastic help and support of Rev. Jim who has helped me shape my view of my ministry and the type of ministry I want to have.

As I move on to my second Placement at the Tron Kirk in Gilmerton at the beginning of October, I look forward to working with Rev. Cammy MacKenzie and a very different worship community in Gilmerton, I will never forget my first placement at Duddingston Kirk and will always remember you, the loving members of the Kirk.

So thank you for getting me started on my placements and helping me along my journey to ministry. And, to Jim, thank you for sharing your years of experience with me and allowing me to become part of Duddingston Kirk.

God bless you all
Andrew Henshaw

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