Services on Sundays at 10:30 and on Wednesdays at 10:00.
All are welcome.

Watch the A2Z film of the history of the Kirk
as part of our 900 celebrations here
The weekly Kirk News is available here
Monthly Bible Reading Notes
The Garden room is closed. Alas!
Yet again we have had one of our busiest seasons with thousands of visitors in 2024.
The Garden Room will reopen in Spring 2025.
A huge thank you to all the visitors and volunteers.
Carol and the Team.
In addition to the Kirk services there are online versions available below or they can be accessed directly in Vimeo
If you are on Facebook please follow us using the button above. If you are not on Facebook all the posts made by the Kirk can be found in the All Posts page or by looking at recent posts on the right of the page.
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Kirk Grounds and Dr Neil’s Garden: open daily 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
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Donations: if you would like to financially support the work of Duddingston Kirk, you may do so here.